# FOUNDATION :- Foundation is a structural part on which building stands. Foundation transmit and distribute its own load and imposed load to the soil in  such a way that the loads - bearing capacity of foundation bed is not exceed .
the solid on which the foundation rest is called foundation bed.

#Types of foundation :- Foundation are mainly two types

  1. shallow foundation 
  2. deep foundation 

  1. Shallow foundation :- A shallow foundation is types of foundation that transfer loads to the very near the surface .Shallow foundation typically have a depth to width ratio of less than 
*Types of shallow foundation :- Follow are the types of shallow foundation -
  • Spread footing
  • combined footing 
  • Mat/Raft footing
  • Wall footing
This types of footing can be two types -
      A. Isolated footing         
      B. Combined footing 

      A. Isolated footing :- These are most economical .They are in square or rectangular size with the             column sitting in the middle of the square .Its a kind of pad footing.

      B. Combined footing :- A combined footing is component of building foundation .it consist of                two  or more column footing connected by a concrete beam .This types of beam is called strap beam .It is used to help distribute the weight of either heavily or eccentrically loaded column footing to adjacent footing 

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