Important topic need to cover before AutoCAD

  1. Building by law 
  2. RERA Act's
  3. Engineering Drawing knowledge
  4. Building component size
  5. Types of Drawing


  1. Building by law - The rules and regulations framed by town planning authorities covering requirement of building, ensuring safety of the public through open spaces minimum size of room’s and area limitation are called building by law.                                                                                                               

 Building by law for residential area

  •         Size of plots 
  •        Area limitation
  •        Margin
  •       Height of the building 
  •         Plinth height
  •         Minimum area of room
  •        Basement 
  •         Component wall
  •        Projection wall
  •        Projection margin
  •         Parapet wall
  •         Staircase

2. RERA Act's - Rera Act’s is Real Estate Regularity Authority (RERA)


3. Engineering Drawing Knowledge - The important topic and term of engineering drawing knowledge must know what is elevation plan, section plan, floor plant & types of lines.


Some important types of line


  •        Object line 
  •         Zig Zag line
  •         Dimension line 
  •         Extension line 
  •         Hidden line

4.Building component size - like ground level to plinth level distance, window size, door size,

wall size, slab minimum thickness and footing etc.


5. Types of drawing - Some important types of drawing are given below


  •         Submission drawing 
  •         Working drawing 
  •         Architectural drawing 
  •         Structure drawing    



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